Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Deegs!

Its crazy how fast time flies! Deegan can keep me laughing while I'm pulling my hair out:) Deegan likes to make his own cake so we got on line and he found this cake that looked like it would take me a week to do. I talked him into looking some more and we found a bug cake that he said he liked. So for you people that have tried to shop in Star Valley for certain things you know you always have to have a plan B in mind. So when we couldn't find any bugs. I was happy he found a snake and it all came together! I think it turned out pretty cute! Deegan loved it and that's all that counts. He was really excited that his cousins got to come! Deegan got to make his own cake he even talked me into letting him break the eggs himself which I only had to clean up one off the floor;) He got lots of gifts that he liked. A good dinner. A sunny day. Candy. What else could a 5 year old ask for! Happy Birthday Deegan I love you tons!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday little Paul!! That cake is so cute. I have been there on trying to find things for a birthday cake Star Valley is horrible when it comes to things like that.
