We went camping this fall with my parents and brother Colt came. We had lots of fun together so much fun that my parents went and bought them their own camper. So rude!!! I'm excited now! Guess where my kids are going to want to sleep....not with me. We went for a 4 wheeler ride hiked up to an old beaver dam. The kids thought that was pretty neat. The guys went hunting and we tried to stay warm. It was FREEZING we wore coats and sometimes had a blanket wrapped around us and the funny thing I got a sunburn or maybe wind burn. I can't wait for next summer. My dad jumped out and scared Colts horse. haha this picture makes me laugh. Deegan caught this frog and thought it was the best thing ever.
I am a stay at home mom a taxi driver, a coach, a cheerleader, house keeper and cook. I'm sure there is more;) I do daycare also. Paul works up to Simplot driving truck. We have 3 kids Kynzlee, Deegan and Presten.
I'm not sure if you know this but you guys have practically the cutest kids ever!!