Saturday, July 10, 2010

Busy summer!

We have had such a fun but busy summer! I say every year we are just going to have a nice relaxing summer but it never ends up that way. Which is ok I get lots of cute pictures.
Presten loves corn on the cob! Kyznlee caught this butterfly maybe its a moth it sure is furry.
Presten loves to play in water! Presten is now the ONLY driver of the gator! He seems to little to be driving. It makes me laugh at how big he is getting! We have done 2 sessions of swimming lessons this summer. It has been busy but the kids had tons of fun doing it! They have learned so much. Kynzlee is getting stronger and is able to swim across the pool even with her tooth pick arms:) Deegan has gotten brave (as he puts it). He loves to swim to the bottom of pool to get the rings off of the bottom. I talked Kynzlee into trying coach pitch. She hates trying new things so it takes a lot of me talking her into something. But she always ends up loving it! Both of my kids did such a good job and had tons of fun doing it! Deegan did T-ball. What can you say about T-ball it is a lot of playing in the dirt all of the kids chasing after the ball. It makes for a good laugh! Deegan loved it also. Presten just wanted to play in the dug out:)

1 comment:

  1. Busy summers are the best! Your kids look like they are having a blast. We miss you guts so much and seriously need to plan that camping trip. As always, cute pictures!
