Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Green Day!

Deegan came in from school today with his cute orange beard.

Kynzlee is making us green pancakes I didn't take a picture of my pancake shamrocks because I was told they didn't look right but I thought that I did a great job! Deegan loved that everything was green he asked if we could do it again but with red:)

They also got green baths before bed.


  1. Cute! How did you dye the bath green?

  2. At walmart by there soap they have some bath fiz that changes the water colors;)

  3. I've never heard of colored bath water! What a fun idea! I thought maybe you dyed it but thought that might stain their skin. :) The bath stuff sounds neat. Pancakes and bath to boot. What a good mom. I did none of that! :)

  4. Ok, I totally wondering if you dyed the water, cuz I know I would do it wrong and my kids would be GREEN!! You're such a cool Mom!
