Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I gave in.... meet Gizmo

Kynzlee has been begging for a cat for as long as I can remember. Birthdays, Christmas everything was "I want a cat please!!" Well I finally gave in. Her and Deegan said they would take care of it. Don't tell my kids but I've gotten to like Gizmo a little more then planned. Paul has been working days so he leaves at 4am so he makes sure she gets puts her over by her food and litter box. Pretty soon I can't handle her meowing so I get up and she will be sitting by her litter box so I put her in it and she goes and takes care of business. I'm not sure why she needs me to get up. I then put her back to bed and I get in bed then next thing I know she next to my bed crying. I tell ya she is just like a baby! After about 3 times of putting her back to bed and her chasing me back to my bed. I give in and hang my hand off the bed and she walks back and forth against my hand and then goes to sleep by my bed. You will see Deegan isn't in any of the pictures he still isn't sure about the kitty.

Looking at kittens down to Gramps house but when we went back to get one (or in my case think about getting one.) The mom had moved them.

We also have pet snails. Yes you heard me right we have snails. We have tiny Tim and Slim (we aren't sure which is which but my kids still gave them names). These little guys are easy to take care of. Give them a handful of lettuce and squirt them with water every morning. I make my kids clean the pen once a week.

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