WE had a great time in Delta. (Here are some of the pictures of our trip. It won't let me upload anymore.)
Prestens first night falling asleep with Kynzlee. I thought they looked cute.

We bought a new truck. I still can't believe I gave in.

Presten riding the motorbike.

Presten watching Deegan throwing up. Deegan got the flu going down. He was so sad Saturday that he couldn't race. Paul went to sign up and Deegan chased him down to tell him that he changed his mind and he could race. He did good all day at the racing but heading home was another story. Then Presten started in. Glad it didn't last long for him.

Presten took a 3 hour nap during the races. I didn't a picture of Kynzlee she was busy playing all day with the girls.

Deegan choose a $10 gift certificate instead of a trophy.

Deegan racing. He did so good even with the flu. I believe he got second over all.

We seen these from the road and went for a hike they were pretty neat. A guy there told us they were used in the movie Bats.